Mystery games

We can often hear from opponents of modern, especially computer games, that “”when we were children, we played with two stones all day long””. Well, there are lucky ones who are so resourceful, but it seems that kids have always loved toys, and besides, there are literally evergreen types of toys.
Take, for example, Adolf Fényes’s painting Children’s Games, made in 1910. The push horse was not invented in the 20th century, but has traditions dating back thousands of years. Archaeologists found a rolling horse with a similar structure in the territory of Greece, which, according to their estimates, dates back to 950 BC, but animals on wheels have also been found in Central America.
Near Teotihuacán in Mexico, two animal figures associated with the Mayan culture, rolling on wheels, which also function as whistles, were discovered. There is only one problem with objects dated between 300 and 900 AD: no one really knows for sure their function. Of course, the question is what will be thought of Adolf Fényes’s painting in 3000 years.


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